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Tips For Those Undergoing Treatment For Early-Stage Melanoma

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Melanoma can be a very aggressive skin cancer. It can easily spread or metastasize to other organs, at which point, it can become serious or even deadly. If melanoma is caught in the early stages, however, it is highly treatable and chances are good that you'll recover well. Here are some tips to consider as you navigate this early-stage melanoma treatment.

Get a second opinion.

Hearing that your melanoma is at an early stage can be a huge relief. But with this news, you don't want to rest on your laurels just yet. It's best to get a second opinion, just to be extra sure that your melanoma is, indeed, still early-stage. The second doctor you consult may also have a different recommendation when it comes to treatment. Almost all cases of early-stage melanoma are largely treated with surgery, but there are different treatment approaches — laser-based, traditional, and even robotic surgeries. Seeking a second opinion may make you aware of another treatment option you had not yet considered.

Take advantage of supplemental treatments.

The core of your treatment, as mentioned, will be surgery to remove the affected tissue. But you may also be offered some supplemental treatments, such as nutritional therapy, acupuncture, and massage. Some melanoma patients turn down these options under the assumption that they don't need them since their cancer is "minor." But these supplemental treatments have so many advantages. They keep your immune system healthy so your body can battle the cancer cells better. They help reduce your stress levels so the treatment is not as hard on you, mentally or physically. If a supplemental treatment is offered to you, take it.

Be vigilant in your follow-up care.

Your doctor will generally want to see you for follow-up care after your initial surgery. Make sure you keep up with these appointments and adhere to the follow-up instructions. They may want you to have an MRI or another type of scan to reconfirm the cancer has not spread. They may also have recommendations for changes to your routine that will help you from developing melanoma again in the future. For example, you'll probably be advised to stay out of the sun and wear more sunscreen.

Early-stage melanoma is easier to treat than later-stage melanoma, but it is still cancer. Keep this in mind as you pursue treatment. Get a second opinion, take advantage of supplemental care, and follow up as your doctor recommends. For more information on melanoma cancer treatment, contact a professional near you.
