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Expectations For Your Skin Cancer Screening

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Skin cancer can grow undetected for some time. Many people experience no initial symptoms beyond unusual-looking moles or freckles. However, skin cancer can be life-threatening in some cases. That's why it's important to examine your skin at home and schedule annual skin cancer screenings with your dermatologist. Understanding medical procedures can reduce anxiety about them. Here are four things that patients can expect during a skin cancer screening at their dermatologist's office.

1. You will be given a paper gown to preserve your modesty during your skin cancer screening. 

Skin cancer screenings are most effective when they are performed on the entire body. For this reason, you will be asked to disrobe at your skin cancer screening. You'll be able to get undressed in private, and a paper gown will be provided for your modesty. You will only need to expose the part of your body that is undergoing examination at any specific time. This can help people feel more comfortable about getting undressed for their dermatologist appointment.

2. Your dermatologist will methodically examine every part of your skin.

Professional skin cancer screenings are very thorough, which is what makes them so effective at detecting skin cancer. Your dermatologist will carefully examine every part of your body, starting from your head and working their way down. Your dermatologist will even check parts of your skin that are not usually visible, such as the soles of your feet and the skin on your scalp. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, you can expect a skin cancer screening to take about 10 minutes.

3. Your dermatologist may use a magnifying glass to observe your skin more closely.

During your skin cancer screening, dermatologists look for irregular moles, birthmarks, and freckles that may signify skin cancer. If your dermatologist finds an area that looks suspicious, they may use a magnifying glass equipped with a light to take a closer look. This process is painless and should not cause you any discomfort. Your dermatologist may schedule a biopsy to remove areas of concern at another appointment.

4. You will be given privacy to dress after your appointment is over. 

Once your skin cancer screening is finished, your dermatologist will leave the room to allow you to dress. If you have any additional questions, you'll have the opportunity to ask your doctor before you leave. You can also schedule your next annual skin cancer screening at your appointment.

For more information on skin cancer treatment, contact a professional near you.
