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5 Common Myths About Dermatology

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Many people know that dermatologists treat the skin. However, there are many misconceptions floating around about the dermatology industry that you should be aware of. It is important for everyone to make skin care a top priority, regardless of their age. Here are the top myths about dermatology you should not believe.

If You Have Good Skin, Seeing a Dermatologist Isn't Necessary

If you have clear and young looking skin, you might think that you don't have to see a dermatologist. However, you must remember that dermatologists have the experience and training to detect skin problems that you don't notice. For example, he or she may detect that you have early symptoms of rosacea and suggest the appropriate treatment.

Dermatologists Only Treat Acne

It is true that many people visit the dermatologist to treat their acne. However, acne is just one of the skin issues that dermatologists treat. Dermatologists have the training to provide solutions to a wide range of skin problems, including psoriasis, eczema, warts, and melasma. If you are experiencing any type of skin issue, don't hesitate to consult a dermatologist.

Over-the-Counter Products Are Fine for Treating Acne

There are certainly many over-the-counter products available for acne. However, that doesn't mean they will work for you. Dermatology products are stronger and can be targeted to your particular skin type. 

If You Don't See Anything Wrong, You Don't Have to See a Dermatologist

If you don't see anything concerning, you may think about skipping a visit to the dermatologist this year. You have a busy life and that is just one less thing you have to worry about. However, just because you don't see anything wrong, does not mean you should not go to a dermatologist. For instance, your dermatologist could find an irregular mole on your body you didn't see.

Dermatologists Are Too Expensive

Another common myth about dermatology services is that they are only for the rich and famous. That just is not true. These services are becoming more affordable for the average person. If you have health insurance that covers dermatology services, you will have to pay even less for your treatments.

As you can see, there are a lot of misconceptions about dermatology. If you haven't seen a dermatologist in over a year, you should make an appointment as soon as possible. A dermatologist can evaluate your skin and recommend a treatment plan if necessary.
