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Options For Removing Moles

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If a mole on your body is cancerous or is not aesthetically pleasing, you have the option of getting it removed. After a dermatologist evaluates your mole, he or she can talk to you about all of the different mole removal treatments available. Let's take a closer look at a few ways moles can be removed.


Moles that are not too deep can be frozen off with liquid nitrogen. A dermatologist will apply the freezing agent to the mole with a spray applicator. The mole will turn white and eventually fall off by itself. Due to the extreme cold temperature, you should expect to feel some discomfort during the procedure. There will likely be some swelling around the area afterward, but it should subside fairly quickly.


With this procedure, a mole is cut with surgical scissors or a scalpel. If the mole is very deep, stitches may be required afterward. You may be left with a scar that will slowly fade over time.

Laser Removal

Laser treatment is an option for non-cancerous moles that do not protrude below the skin's surface. During this treatment, a dermatologist will apply intense bursts of light directly to the mole. Two or three laser treatments may be required to fully remove the mole. Laser treatment rarely leaves scars and can remove multiple moles at a time.

Preventing Future Moles

After you have a successful mole removal, you will want to do everything you can to limit the development of other moles. Here are a few tips you should follow:

  • Wear Sunscreen All Year: Sunscreen is not just for hot and sunny days. Ultraviolet rays can also penetrate your skin on cold and cloudy days. That's why it is important to wear SPF on your skin 365 days of the year. At least 30 minutes before you head outdoors, remember to apply sunscreen to your skin.
  • Wear Protective Clothing: Another way to protect your skin and prevent moles is to cover up. If you plan to go outside during peak sun times, you may want to wear sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, pants and a long-sleeved shirt.
  • Do not Forget to Reapply Sunscreen: If you plan to be out in the sun for a while, you should bring your sunscreen with you and remember to reapply it every couple of hours. If you go in water, reapply your sunscreen immediately after you get out.
